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Root Explorer

Root Explorer
  • Version:
  • Category:
  • Requirements:
    Android 2.3
  • Views:
    15 911
If you have Root rights on your phone, then you will need this app anyway. This is a great file Manager that can easily work with multiple tabs at the same time. At the moment, the program has been downloaded a lot of times, and all users put up positive ratings every day.

Great work with a large number of tabs, as well as cloud storage

The utility can easily sync your own data with services such as Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, and more. You can easily make a high-quality copy of all your data, download materials from the Internet, or just save something in your phone. The application actively supports SQLite Database Viewer, with which it can easily unpack ZIP and RAR archives. The program also has a great text editor that can help you daily in difficult situations. Your phone contains a large amount of important data that can be sent to other recipients via email. Interested? There is also an interesting feature that allows you to open the necessary materials quickly, using any selected application from your phone.

You will be able to download this amazing app to your smartphone from our website for free. If you want to buy the utility officially on the play store, then you will have to pay 175 rubles. To be able to transfer data, as well as files, you will need an active Internet connection.

The application also has control over the transmitted data. If you have an Android higher than version 2.3, then you can easily use it without any problems with the connection.

Use the program for your own purposes. There are no advertising integrations, which allows you to automatically perform many functions without any difficulties. If you decide to purchase an app and then return the money for it, you can only do so in the following situations. If you paid money for the program, but its performance does not suit you - you can write to the developer, and he will return the money for the purchase. But it's better not to waste your time, but just Root Explorer from our portal. Let's hope that you will enjoy this program, and it will help you solve a large number of problems.
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