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Weather & Clock Widget for Android

Weather & Clock Widget for Android
  • Version:
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  • Requirements:
    Android 4.1
  • Views:
    2 288
Weather & Clock Widget for Android is a high – quality application made in the form of widgets. These features are enough to track the weather in certain localities. The collection of widgets contains different options, among which you can choose the most suitable option. The app has become popular because of its excellent optimization. It is available on all operating systems. The location can be easily activated or disabled. There are automatic settings for updating information, changing the weather provider, selecting units of measurement, and so on. There are additional tools in the form of a weather map and the ability to track several places at the same time.
Download Weather & Clock Widget for Android free for android
Download Weather & Clock Widget for Android v6.5.2.2
13.89 Mb
Download from Google Play
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