• Version:
  • Category:
    Music & Audio
  • Requirements:
    Android 4.4
  • Views:
    15 037
After the well-known copyright update in VK, listening to music without a subscription has become simply unbearable, and there is also no special desire to subscribe for this. But there is still another way out. It is a very convenient application that was created by the systemDmitry developer called VKMP.

This app was created specifically for you to listen to your favorite Vkontakte music without any restrictions. This app can be synced with your account and your playlist from this social network will always appear on the main page, where all the songs will be available for listening. You can also search for music and listen to new songs here.

Another feature of the app is the ability to listen to tracks without an Internet connection. To do this, you just need to cache the required or all tracks from the app and listen to them at any convenient time, regardless of whether your phone is connected to the Internet or not. You should also go to the settings of this application, as there are a large number of different convenient settings.

App Features:

  • Simple and user-friendly interface;
  • Ability to listen offline;
  • Sync tracks with your VK account's playlist.

VKMP is a very convenient application that is guaranteed to appeal to music fans with its page in VK.
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